Shamanic Breathwork® is a registered trademark of Linda Star Wolf
Welcome to My Spirit Experience
Helping you heal, transform, and discover Spirit through Shamanic Reiki, Intuitive Guidance, Spiritual Classes, and Events
Shaman's Circle
A monthly class and discussion for men and women around Shamanism and the new Shaman's journey.
On my journey what I have come to find is that there is a new age of Shamanism coming into view. Quite a bit of the Shamanic study and reading I have done seems to be somewhat outdated and doesn't fit with what I have experienced on my own personal journey. What I have also discovered is that when I share my personal experiences with others, what I share resonates with them as well. As hard as I have looked I haven't found an outlet that aligns with my core Shamanic journey and how my journey is different from what I have learned of other traditions and lineages. That's where this course has come into being.
Each month we will be covering a new topic. We will look at traditional Shamanism and see how it has or can evolve into modern practices. The classes will also be a safe place for those on their own journey to learn, discuss, and grow in community with one another as we step into this new era of Shamanism. We will look at old traditions, journeys, and lineage and shine a new light on them. You will learn how this new era of Shamanism can fit into your daily life, especially as our society grows and evolves.
Each class stands alone so there is not a commitment to any length of sessions. This circle is open to Men And Women as we are all walking this journey together. Our discussions will weave through the masculine and feminine energies as we incorporate both into our studies. We will be working with Spirit Guides, Animal Guides, learning about and even making Shamanic tools, journeying into other worlds, drumming circles among many other things! We will do all of this work and exploration in the safe container of the energy at the studio.
One Sunday a month 12:00pm - 2:00pm (unless otherwise noted)
$25 each class
Please Register Here
Space is limited!
Upcoming dates:
November 13, 2016 (Introduction to Shamanism)
December 11, 2016 (Common Threads in Shamans)
January 8, 2017 (Journey to Lower World)
February 12, 2017 (Journey to Upper World)
March 12, 2017 (Tools of the Shaman)
April 9, 2017 (Drum making with Wayne Manthey- 4 hour class and extra cost for drum supplies. See Page Here)
May 2017 (no class this month)
June 11, 2017
July 16, 2017
August 13, 2017
September 10, 2017
October 8, 2017